Innoval 08

Estudi Antoni Arola

Ephemeral exhibition space.


Alimentaria Exhibitions

Graphic design
Pati Nuñez & Associats

Jordi Tamayo
Eugeni Pons

Fifth edition of the Innoval space at the biennial Barcelona Alimentaria International Foodstuffs and Drinks Show.

Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio

For the occasion of the Alimentaria 2008 (foodstuffs & beverage fair), we inaugurate the exhibition ‘The future shop’, that incorporates the stand, Innoval 2008; an important competition that this year presents the most innovative products in the industry divided by different categories of products. In a surface of more than 1000m2, will be exposed approximately 400 objects that compete for the prize INNOVAL’08. Making reference at the modern distribution and retail, the fair will show us how our shops will become in the future.

Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio
Innoval 08 | Ephemerals | Antoni Arola Studio