Reflexions Micra

Antoni Arola

Max Milà

Collectible Salon
Il·lacions Design Gallery Barcelona. 26th - 30th May 2021

Curated by
Il·lacions Design Gallery

Meritxell Arjalaguer
Aran Rodríguez
Estudi Antoni Arola

Reflexions – Micra is a scale change exercise of a previous immersive installation about light and its reflection in movement. This new – reduced – version changes the point of view and puts the viewer in the spotlight: it brings him closer and allows him to maintain a more intimate relationship.

Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio
Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio

Pentecostés, El Greco (1597)

Reflexions Micra | Light, Research | Antoni Arola Studio

The Children of Dijon, Christian Boltanski (1986).
Salpetriere Chapel, Paris.